Sunday, May 10, 2009

On The Importance Of The Gyro - Inductor Analogy

To understand why gyroscopic action especially under certain specific conditions described later cannot be analyzed in a Newtonian manner but can be analyzed in an ElectroMagnetic way, let us argue as follows: If it were true that there exists a machine that can convert internal (Potential) energy into external (Kinetic) energy, then we want to observe the operation of such a machine from an inertial frame in which the entire machine is initially at rest.

(When the machine is operated, energy of a minimum amount of N joules = m*g*h (where h is height to which the machine rises in time T given by h = (1/2)*g*Tsquare) is 'converted' or 'pumped' from the spinning wheels to the machine frame to the gravitational field. )

Now, how do we explain this 'conversion' ?

Although a more fundamental explanation that involves Special Relativity with CT-X graphs etc has been cited earlier, there is another, bird's eye view explanataion - one that relies on analogy. Lets start by saying, the potential energy in this machine is converted to KE in the same way that an LC Circuit converts the internal (Potential) energy of an AC wave flowing through the LC circuit into an externally realized (Kinetic) energy of Electro-Magnetic waves.

Hypothesis: Resonance in electronics and mechanics is really only a manifestation caused by the invocation of the same fundamental interaction of matter with space-time (a la Relativity) involving spin (i.e. angular momentum) - in one field, its the electron, in another, its the spinning flywheel that supply the spin component.

What the device accomplishes is the conversion of internal energy (i.e. a potential energy) into external energy (kinetic energy). The potential energy is the stored energy within the rotating wheels, the rotating carriage. The machine is a way to convert it into KE of the moving assembly so that the framework transports through space.

Now, that is a direct violation of Newton's first and third laws, and indirectly even the second. [- Since an observer who is located in an inertial frame in which the machine initially rested would record the acquisition of velocity by the machine, in defiance of the local gravitational field, but would be unable to assign the action that caused the reactive movement to any external object. Under further experimentation, it becomes clear that the energy gained by the frame came from the internal interactions of on the spinning wheels.]

In LC circuits too, the internal (& therefore a potential tank of ) energy of the AC current is converted into a radiative KE in the form of the leakage of ElectroMagnetic waves from such an assembly at resonance.

Yet it is not the case for LC circuits that when radiation is given out by a resonant circuit that it is seen as being a violation of any EM laws. The only reason that the operation of an LC circuit doesn't seem to be a violation of some basic EM law or another is because Maxwell's laws which govern EM are also already consistent with Special Relativity.

However, since Newton's Laws are not 'relativised', the contention here is that this machine might APPEAR to violate them, but only because it is Newton's laws that are in violation of SR/General Relativity (as we know, Newton's laws are approximations that are infact inadequate to analyze relativistic phenomena. Newton's Laws are inadequate to deal with what we might even think of as Accelo-Gravitic radiation). Thus in the analysis of 'compound objects' containing more than one worldline, Newton's Laws will yield the wrong results, even if the energy conservation laws can be satisfied. Unlike EM waves which themselves travel and emanate from the generating circuit, AG waves are literally 'ridden' or 'sailedon' by the generating machineframe.

[Here we might wonder why if this is the case, an LC circuit doesn't up and fly. An argument can be made that it is figuratively what's happenning. In the case of the LC circuit, the energy entering the circuit is being molded to a specific frequency. The overflow of this energy from the circuit in geometrically determined directions results in the flow of energy to remote areas. Yet, for the actual circuit to move, it is protons that must be moved. Yet, since its the electrons that are responsible for EM effects and they have a much, much smaller mass, they cannot reach the threshold levels of energy required to move the LC circuit. - Now, the electric motor which used (electron) current does accomplish motion. But it cannot change the frame associated with the energy, i.e. convert internal energy into external energy - all conversions acheived by an electric motor are locally tied to the reference frame to which the motor is attached.]

Essentially it is being claimed that this is a relativistic machine which is why Newtonian laws will appear to be violated. In analyzing this experimental set up as a relativistic machine, we may utilize a shortcut in the form of Electro-Magnetism. Since EM is already consistent with SR/GR, if we form the proper analogies from mechanics to EM, we can analyze Mechanical problems as if they are electromagnetic problems, in a way that is consistent with SR/GR.

Now take a look at this post which shows how well-fitting the analogy between EM and Mechanics is. This is the reason why the LC circuit analogy to the gyroscope is critical to understanding how this machine can be operated successfully.

Evidence uncovered here implies that gravitational force specifically and gravitation generally is related to inertial force and acceleration generally much as Magnetism and Electricity are related each other. The two sets of fields should be unified through the consideration of the complimentary nature of the two sets of forces.

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