Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Theorizing Based On The Analysis of the Experiments

Our last experiment Expt 7.2 is in someways the opposite of what we are seeking - which can easily be remedied in the next steps.

The important details of how it is the opposite lie in the where and whats: In experiment 7.2, I am applying a force on the outer frame, as if I am an external frame inertial wrt the outer frame of the machine. (This is the condition that allows the applied force to be directed to the motion of the entire frame in accordance with the Three Laws (of Newton).) However, if the wheels are pointed in the direction opposite to the machine's preference for that direction of applied torque, then the applied force is resisted strongly by the spinning wheel's axis and its energy is aborbed into simply changing the orientation of the spinning wheel's angular momentum vector i.e. we apply force on the outer frame but end up pushing the spinning wheel.

What we seek is the opposite -  We want to push the spinning wheel and end up with a force on the outer frame.

How do we set about engineering a reverse effect? Well, how about doing the opposite of what we were doing? IN experiment 7.2, I am pushing the outer frame.  The opposite would be to twist the spinning wheels instead. We know from experiment 7.1 where we implement that solution that there are no net forces on the outerframe. This 1st order solution to the reverse configuration problem is therefore velocity-limited.

A 2nd order solution involves twisting the spinning wheels while the suspension of the wheels and their motors and frames is itself being twisted. The reason this is a valid duplicate solution is that spinning wheels like electrical machines work according to Generalized Machine Theory, i.e. even as a torque-precession pair (torque about X and precession manifest about Y) exists, so can also a torque-precession pair (torque about Y and precession manifest about X). What happens along one set of axes is independent of what happens along the other set.

Thus there is reason to think that when the 2nd order solution is implemented, the extra suspensions & forces introduced  will cause induced precession in the original torque's plane. This is a situation completely different from the static first case.

We all know that torque can exist without motion. It is a stored torque. Like in a twisted spring in a wind-up watch before it start ticking. In the 1st order solution too, the torque exists but it exists without accompanying motion in the plane of the torque, and the energy remains in a stored form.

The second order solution is introducing a velocity into that situation. We all know that dynamically speaking, a torque with both force and velocity  is an entity that is actively moving (and I mean accelerating) an external mass. That certainly is how Newton would see it. And maybe he's right. Maybe it means that the induced velocity will combine with the pre-existing torque's force component to create a conservation principle stipulated movement- since the wheel's energy is already completely determined in the X (the original torque), Y (The Second Torque) and Z (the spin of the wheel is in this dimension) in the space dimensions, the external frame must be what becomes effected by the situation. In order to satisfy the Law of Conservation of Momentum, maybe the external frame flies or is repelled or something, even while the wheels continue to precess strongly in a plane perpendicular to the flight of the outer frame.

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